Incontinence Assistance
For many, incontinence is a delicate subject. Unfortunately, the percentage of seniors who have some degree of incontinence is high. In fact, according to a 2014 study by the U.S. Department of Public Health, of seniors 65 and over living in a residential care facility, 39 percent had an episode of incontinence in the seven days prior to the survey. The study also showed that incontinence isn’t entirely gender neutral. Women are more likely to have incontinence than men. 39
Steve Maskrey, a retired vice president of sales and marketing personal care with Medline Industries, frequently conducts presentations on how to live with incontinence. Maskrey insists there is good news for those suff ering from incontinence, whether dealing with a little leakage or more signifi cant episodes.
“All of the developments in undergarments and disposable incontinence products have really given people a lot of freedom,” he said. “People are more comfortable (now).”
On the other hand, Maskrey said that before these new products, seniors with incontinence felt as though they were prisoners in their own homes. That holds true even if your home is a shared house for seniors. But, Maskrey said that incontinence is more than a potential embarrassment. It also poses a serious health risk.
If incontinence isn’t dealt with promptly, a senior who remains wet and/or soiled invites disease and, possibly, even death. In other words, incontinence is nothing to take lightly. This is why it is essential in the home you’re considering, or considering for a loved one, that members of the staff are past masters at helping seniors deal with incontinence. Properly dealt with, incontinence can represent little more than a mild inconvenience. Otherwise, it can be a very seri40
ous matter, serious enough that it deserves more than your cursory interest. You should have a discussion with the staff at a home you’re considering to ascertain whether they actually have the expertise and an understanding of the importance of incontinence care. You don’t want to put down roots in soggy soil.
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