Friday, June 12, 2015

Rain Rain Go Away... But Thank You For The Computer Day!!!

With all the work lately, I've seriously neglected my computer posting time until last night. Finally got video's over the last 5 weeks of rehab progress on the Ringwood house. Few others things that have come up that we haven't posted on lately is our NEW sign referral program. We have printed some great looking yard signs with H frame stakes that we are seeking home owners permission for posting in their front yard. In exchange for permission, our receptionist that answers the phone at 224 333 7247 always asks how they heard about us. For someone that ends up leasing one of our available bedrooms, we will pay a $500 referral fee. Who do you know that would be interested in helping seniors discover NEW alternative options while making $500??? For more information about getting a sign in your front yard email or call 224 333 6247

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